Please list all the elements you enjoy most, and why you visit Windermere Bay.
Maximum 255 characters
How often do you spend time at Windermere Bay?
How much does Windermere Bay contribute to your sense of place in Claremont?
How important are the natural features of Windermere Bay to your visit there?
Do you know that there is a wetland in Windermere Bay?
Have you ever participated in/attended events or volunteer activities at Windermere Bay?
What area of Windermere Bay do you spend the most time in?
When you visit Windermere Bay, how often will you visit/observe the wetland area?
What would you say your knowledge level of wetlands is?
What is your knowledge about the significance of wetlands and the Derwent Estuary to Tasmanian Aboriginal people?
Which wetland biodiversity values you would like to learn more about?
Which wetland ecosystem services you would like to learn more about?
How would you like wetland information presented to you?
Are you interested in learning more about the cultural significance of wetlands and the Derwent Estuary to Tasmanian Aboriginal people?
How would you feel if the area of wetland at Windermere Bay was increased?
What is your age range?
What is your gender?
What suburb do you reside in?