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Windermere Bay Survey

Maximum 255 characters


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Windermere Bay contributes to my identity, belonging and attachment to Claremont.
What level of importance are the natural features of Windermere Bay.
Select option


Have you ever participated in/attended events or volunteer activities at Windermere Bay?

* required
Please check each one you have.

What area of Windermere Bay do you spend the most time in?

* required
More than one can be checked.
When visiting Windermere Bay, I visit/observe the wetland area...
My knowledge of wetland ecosystems is...
My knowledge of the significance of wetlands and the Derwent Estuary to Tasmanian Aboriginal people is...

 Which wetland biodiversity values you would like to learn more about?

* required
More than one can be checked.

Which wetland ecosystem services you would like to learn more about? 

* required
More than one can be checked.

How would you like wetland information presented to you?

* required
More than one can be checked.
Select option

My feelings about the area of wetland at Windermere Bay being increased are...
Select option


What is your gender?

* required

Maximum 255 characters
