Why is this land being proposed for disposal?
The land is surplus to Council’s needs and as part of Council’s Economic Development Strategy were keen to see infill development within the CBD to encourage a mix of housing, businesses and public spaces. Council would support and encourage developers who have the capacity to promote safety and add vibrancy to our city centre to consider investing in the site.
Can I get a copy of Council’s resolution for the potential disposal?
Yes. Council resolved at its meeting on the 28th September to proceed with informing the public of its intent to dispose of this public land. The minutes of this meeting will be confirmed at the next Council meeting on 26th October. After then, the minutes will be accessible here, http://glenorchy.infocouncil.biz/.
What is the development potential of this land?
The Land is currently zoned as Central Business under the Glenorchy Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and is currently used for car parking and accommodates approximately 42 parking spaces. Council initially received a proposal to develop a multi storey residential development on a portion of the land. The preliminary proposal was submitted on behalf of a developer, aligned with the Regional Land Use Strategy and Council’s vision to increase inner-city residential housing options within the CBD.
What is the history of the project?
At its meeting in February 2019, Council resolved to commence proceedings to dispose, exchange or lease a 745m2 portion of the parcel of public land located at Mill Lane, Glenorchy.
As Council have approved a new investigation into the potential disposal, officers are now undertaking the initial community consultation process prior to making any recommendation about whether to proceed with the formal disposal process under section 178 of the Tasmanian Local Government Act 1993.
Can Council restrict any type of development?
If there are valid concerns raised through the process Council could decide to place covenants on the title.
How many car parking spots will be lost? Where else can people park?
Approximately 42 parking spaces in total will be lost if the disposal goes ahead. Glenorchy CBD has a total of 2,455, on-street and off-street, car parking spaces combined.
What does Council do with the money from land disposals?
The proceeds of the sale of surplus land sales are reinvested into important new infrastructure such within open space such as playgrounds, landscaping, pathways, and even toilets in accordance with the Proceeds of Property Disposals Policy 2020. Land sales are conducted through an open and competitive process (e.g. public auction or tender) and we will always operate transparently.
What consultation has happened so far?
Between the 27th October – 10th November 2020, undertook some preliminary consultation. Council invited community members to have their say by completing a short online survey. A hard copy survey form was also available. 140 surveys were received.
How will community feedback be used?
Now that the community consultation process has been completed, a report will be provided back to Council summarising the results. If Council is satisfied with the feedback received during that process, Council could then resolve to commence the statutory process for the disposal of public land which is set out in section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993. If this is the case, the land disposal process requires further public notification and consultation, and Council would then seek a broader expression of interest for whole or part of the Land.
Can I register my interest in purchasing the land?
You may email gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au to register your interest in purchasing the land. On registering your interest, your details will be placed on file and you will be contacted by the appointed Council Officer if the property proceeds for disposal.