Planning Scheme Amendment PLAM-22/10 to allow Apartments in the Commercial Zone along Main Road

The Northern Apartments Corridor Specific Area Plan (NAC SAP) has been approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission and is effective from 13 March 2024. You can access the updated Glenorchy Local Provisions Schedule here.

Glenorchy City Council is committed to increasing housing supply and diversity for its residents and has therefore prepared a new planning control, called the Northern Apartments Corridor Specific Area Plan (NAC SAP). The NAC SAP will apply to the Commercial Zone along Main Road between Moonah and Montrose, highlighted in yellow in the image below. The NAC SAP will provide opportunities for medium to high density apartments to be built above or behind ground floor shops and businesses in the zone.

Why the Commercial Zone?

The Commercial zoned lots along Main Road are generally larger in size, highly accessible and central to Greater Hobart, which could be suitable for higher density housing.

What does the new planning control do?

The NAC SAP seeks to allow apartments above or behind commercial activity at ground floor. The controls ensure the primary economic focus of the area will be retained at street level by requiring active commercial street frontages. Apartments will need to be well-designed to reduce impacts from noise, movement of commercial vehicles, etc. to limit conflicts between the different uses.

Height, setback and privacy controls will also protect amenity of residences on adjoining land.

Why do we need more housing?

Greater Hobart has experienced significant growth in recent years that brings with it issues of traffic, housing supply and affordability. This planning initiative will help address the housing stress and provide for housing choice across Glenorchy. The area is close to shops and services in the Glenorchy and Moonah activity centres and is within a major transport network. The initiative will enable the City of Glenorchy to evolve with larger buildings along the Main Road between the activity centres, and graduating out to the suburbs.

If you have any queries regarding the processes, or would like to discuss the amendment further, call us and ask to speak to Council's Strategic Planning team via 6216 6800 or email us on

The Northern Apartments Corridor Specific Area Plan (NAC SAP) has been approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission and is effective from 13 March 2024. You can access the updated Glenorchy Local Provisions Schedule here.

Glenorchy City Council is committed to increasing housing supply and diversity for its residents and has therefore prepared a new planning control, called the Northern Apartments Corridor Specific Area Plan (NAC SAP). The NAC SAP will apply to the Commercial Zone along Main Road between Moonah and Montrose, highlighted in yellow in the image below. The NAC SAP will provide opportunities for medium to high density apartments to be built above or behind ground floor shops and businesses in the zone.

Why the Commercial Zone?

The Commercial zoned lots along Main Road are generally larger in size, highly accessible and central to Greater Hobart, which could be suitable for higher density housing.

What does the new planning control do?

The NAC SAP seeks to allow apartments above or behind commercial activity at ground floor. The controls ensure the primary economic focus of the area will be retained at street level by requiring active commercial street frontages. Apartments will need to be well-designed to reduce impacts from noise, movement of commercial vehicles, etc. to limit conflicts between the different uses.

Height, setback and privacy controls will also protect amenity of residences on adjoining land.

Why do we need more housing?

Greater Hobart has experienced significant growth in recent years that brings with it issues of traffic, housing supply and affordability. This planning initiative will help address the housing stress and provide for housing choice across Glenorchy. The area is close to shops and services in the Glenorchy and Moonah activity centres and is within a major transport network. The initiative will enable the City of Glenorchy to evolve with larger buildings along the Main Road between the activity centres, and graduating out to the suburbs.

If you have any queries regarding the processes, or would like to discuss the amendment further, call us and ask to speak to Council's Strategic Planning team via 6216 6800 or email us on

Page last updated: 13 Mar 2024, 05:28 PM