Playspace Strategy - Planning for Play 2041

Graphic image of play equipment, trees and park bench with river and road in the foreground and mountain in the background

Planning for play - A strategy for the development of innovative, quality play opportunities in Glenorchy

Glenorchy City Council currently has 44 playspaces, however our current play infrastructure is ageing with many requiring renewals and/or replacement. Council identified the need for a Playspace Strategy to provide residents with playspaces that reflect community expectations and a well-planned and coordinated approach.

Planning for Play 2041 - Playspace Strategy (the Strategy) is a strategy for the development of innovative, quality play opportunities in Glenorchy. The Glenorchy municipality provides and maintains a diverse variety of parks, playgrounds, playspaces and play environments for the community.

Planning for play - A strategy for the development of innovative, quality play opportunities in Glenorchy

Glenorchy City Council currently has 44 playspaces, however our current play infrastructure is ageing with many requiring renewals and/or replacement. Council identified the need for a Playspace Strategy to provide residents with playspaces that reflect community expectations and a well-planned and coordinated approach.

Planning for Play 2041 - Playspace Strategy (the Strategy) is a strategy for the development of innovative, quality play opportunities in Glenorchy. The Glenorchy municipality provides and maintains a diverse variety of parks, playgrounds, playspaces and play environments for the community. Council understands and acknowledges the importance of play for the social, physical, and cognitive development of children. It also understands the role playspaces play in the image of the city and their ability to attract local and regional tourism to Glenorchy.

The Strategy provides guidance for future development and aims to improve the play opportunities across the municipality. It identifies work required over the next 20 years and delivers on our community’s goal of Making Lives Better.

At its December meeting Council endorsed the Playspace Strategy - Planning For Play 2041 and officers have hit the ground running and have started an internal audit on priority replacements pending annual budget allocation! Watch this space!

Why have a strategy?

Our play infrastructure is ageing. Equipment in many of our 44 playspaces requires renewal and/or replacement. To provide residents with the playspaces that reflect community expectations, Council needs a playspace strategy to provide a well-planned and coordinated approach to the delivering affordable contemporary playspaces to meet community needs now and into the future. The strategy will guide the future provision of playspace infrastructure that will provide opportunities for children to participate in physical activity in a safe environment. This will provide long term health and social benefits to the local community and contribute to making lives better.

How was the draft Strategy developed?

To better understand the current situation an audit of the 44 playspaces across the City of Glenorchy was undertaken. We looked at the condition and suitability of equipment, their locations and the populations they service. We looked at how our playgrounds compared with those in other Council areas.

We also asked community for their thoughts and ideas on the current playspaces. People could take a quick poll, provide feedback in a survey or drop pins on a map to provide comments on the playgrounds they use. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. The feedback received supports the findings of the audit and reinforces the need for Council to implement a strategy to ensure a sustained replacement and upgrade of our ageing playspaces. The feedback also showed support for fewer better-quality play spaces and that most people normally travel to playspaces by car.

What's in the Strategy?

The strategy looks at the 44 playspaces and for each space proposes one the following recommendations. Please click here to access the final strategy.

  • Maintain (M) - keep as is and maintain to current level
  • Enhance (E) - add equipment to meet current or a higher classification
  • Remove and Replace (RR) - remove equipment and replace with a different higher classification
  • Replace (RP) - remove and replace equipment with the same classification (like-for-like)
  • Remove (R) - remove and do not replace the playpaces at this location *

* Where the removal of a playspace is proposed Council recognises that further targeted consultation will be required. So please make sure you have your say about your playspaces.

This consultation has now closed.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Glenorchy City Council has developed a Draft Playspaces Strategy. We invite you to view the draft Strategy and provide your feedback by doing this short survey.

    The strategy proposes some new playgrounds,  some playground enhancements to a higher classification. and some replacements. It also recommends the removal of playgrounds where they are not well situated or there is an over supply in an area. Where the removal of a playspace is proposed Council recognises that further targeted consultation will be required.

    Your feedback will help us finalise the Playspace Strategy.

    Consultation closing date extended until COB Tuesday 31st August.

    Complete Form
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You can make a submission here.

    Closing date extended until COB Tuesday 31st August.

    Complete Form
Page last updated: 13 May 2022, 03:44 PM