Disposal of Council Land at 23a Norman Circle, Glenorchy
Consultation has concluded

Glenorchy City Council has sought feedback from the community about the potential disposal of General Residential zoned Council owned land at 23a Norman Circle, Glenorchy.
Following on from the formal advertising in accordance with the Act, with the first advertisement in the Mercury on Saturday, 25 March 2023 and second advertisement in the Mercury on Saturday 1 April 2023, Council resolved to authorise the General Manager to proceed with the disposal of the property under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993, by way of sale.
Objections to the proposed disposal made to Councils General Manager have the right to appeal to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT) against the Council's decision regarding the objection made under subsection 178(6) of the Act.
Such appeals must be made to TASCAT within 14 days after receiving written notification of Council’s decision and must be made in accordance with the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2020 (Tas).
Pursuant to s 178A(3) of the Act:,
‘an appeal may only be made on the ground that the decision of the council is not in the public interest in that:
- The community may suffer undue hardship due to the loss of access to, and the use of, the public land; or
- There is no similar facility available to the users of that facility’.
A copy of Council’s provisional minutes from the May Council meeting is included in the Council Meeting Documents.
Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please contact Council’s Property Sales and Administration Officer: Renee Kapitzke on (03) 6216 6800 or at gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au.