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Do you have a question for Council? Or want to get in touch with us about a consultation or project?

Please submit your query here and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If your query relates to reporting a problem or requesting a service - please do that here: www.gcc.tas.gov.au/services/works/report-a-problem/

Before you submit your query, check if it is something Glenorchy City Council is responsible for. 

If it relates to any of the following issues, please contact the agency listed instead of Council:
Roads maintained by the Department of State Growth (inc roadkill)
1300 139 933
Crime and prevention - Call 000 for emergencies
For police assistance, call 131 444
Water supply or sewage
136 992
Street lighting and power
132 004
Abandoned shopping trolleys
Coles: www.coles.com.au/customer-care/abandoned-trolleys/
Woolworths & Big W: www.trolleytracker.com.au 
Waterways and injured native wildlife
1300 368 550
Littering and illegal dumping
1300 139 933

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  • Can the road lines in king George V avenue please be repainted. Most of the lines are either completely invisible or very faded. In particular the lines between the elwick roundabout and Terry street. The ones at the traffic lights are disgraceful

    Christine asked about 2 months ago

    Hi Christine, 

    Thank  you so much for bringing this to our attention.  

    Line marking renewal on our roads is undertaken by State Growth and each year Councils within Tasmania submit a list of line marking that requires renewal.  Glenorchy Council undertakes an annual audit of our road line markings and requests renewal based on the condition.  Based on this audit, the line marking at the junction of King George V and Pelto Street (extension of Terry Street) has been nominated for renewal in 2024/25 by State Growth.  State Growth reviews all the line marking nominated and priorities those to be undertaken within their budget.  If King George V and Pelto Street is not undertaken, then Council will nominate it until it is.

  • Is it possible to introduce Stricter rules concerning off lead dogs/bigger, clearer dog on lead only signs at Windermere foreshore and other on lead areas. As a reactive dog owner it is very frustrating when people ignore the rules

    Eve asked 2 months ago

    Hi Eve, 

    We cannot enforce stricter rules without changing the Dog Management Policy, which will next be reviewed in 2026, so we would encourage you to submit any feedback/recommendations through that process. The Animal Management Officers will look at the current signs to see if they are sufficient and we will ask them to ensure they are patrolling the area frequently.  Thank you.

  • Can we have speed humps in impacted areas of Chigwell and Berriedale to reduce the noise from hoons doing burnouts which creates unnecessary noise as well as a potential hazard, impacting quality of life in the community.

    Matildanna asked 3 months ago

    Speed humps are installed when the majority of drivers are driving over the posted speed limit.  They are not installed for inappropriate driver behaviour such as hooning, as it is often the case that they will also use these devices in an irresponsible and dangerous manner.   The problem of motorists’ hooning is very widespread, with some areas having a higher reported or observed incidence of this driver behaviour at certain times. 

    Hooning behaviour should be reported directly to the Police on phone number 131 444. The Police have the powers to undertake enforcement of hooning, including confiscating vehicles.  While the Police may not be able to respond directly, regular reporting of this  allows the Police to understand the extent of the problem and consider what they can do.

  • Can we have the speed limit along the Mona-Granada hotel reduced to 50km? The noise from traffic impacts the quality of life for residents.

    Matildanna asked 3 months ago

    Last year, Council received approval from the State Government Transport Commissioner to reduce speed limits on several main roads from 60 km/h to 50 km/h. This change has now been implemented.  As part of this process, Council reviewed all 60 km/h main roads to determine if they qualified for a reduction to 50 km/h. Unfortunately, Main Road near the Mona-Granda Tavern did not meet the current criteria. However, the Council will continue to monitor this area and reassess if conditions change. 

    For more information about speed limit changes, please visit https://www.transport.tas.gov.au/managing_the_roads/speed_limits_in_tasmania/speed_limits_under_review

  • When can we have some screens built along the Highway to screen out noise or can the rate payers pay additional funds to have these made, for quality of life and do we can sleep without disturbances from highway noise ? If that’s not possible, can the speed limit be reduced to 80km ?

    Matildanna asked 3 months ago

    We understand your concern may relate to noise from the Brooker Highway. As this is a State Government-managed road, any issues regarding noise impacts or potential speed limit changes would need to be addressed with them directly.  Without specific details about the exact location, we are unable to determine what actions, if any, might be possible.

  • We frequently walk past Cosgrove school and litter is wedged into thei garden bushes at front of main. Is it possible to ask the school to be aware of this. We pick up as much as we can. Thank you!

    Amanda R asked 4 months ago

    Hi Amanda,  

    We will be in contact with Cosgrove High.  Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

  • Is there a fountain drinking bowl set up for dogs on the off lead area at Berridale Bay, I took my dog there for the first time today and I could not find anywhere for him to have a drink.

    jojo asked 5 months ago

    Hi, thanks for your query.  Unfortunately there isn't a drinking bowl set up for dogs at this location, however your request has been passed on to the relevant area at Council for consideration in the future.

  • We have just had another round-a-bout put in on Central Avenue and Bulter Street, that makes 3 in the street. Is there any plans for a round-a-bout in Gatden road and Fletcher Avenue? I feel it will help the traffic flow for the Bowen Rd Primary School traffic

    Rach asked 6 months ago

    Hi Rach, 

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your ideas with us.  At this current moment there are no plans for a roundabout in this location, but your suggestion has been passed along to the appropriate team for consideration.

  • I have noticed there is a few permit parking spots for business in glenorchy and moonah. These business are no longer there. Will these spots become available again coming up closer to the busy season. I find it hard for parking during this time, I doesn't seem right these spots are taken for an empty shop. What would have if someone was to park there, surely the permit would be invalid.

    Rach asked 6 months ago

    Hi Rach, 

    The permit parking spaces on private land, such as Northgate are requested by the owner to allow parking for their staff.  Our parking officer often undertaken enforcement of these car parks but rely on the owner of the land to contact us is they wish to change them.   

    If you are able to let us know where these permit parking spaces are located, we would be more than happy to follow up with the car park owner.  Thank you!

  • Hello, quite a few years ago there was a small park and basketball area down at the Westfield Reserve in Claremont. I am wondering if there is going to be an updated park built there? Thank yoi

    Chantelle asked 7 months ago

    Hi Chantelle, 

    This area may be a site for a future small playground. However, there is a long list of existing playspaces that urgently need renewal. These are the current priorities. So, any new playground at Westfield is at least several years away.

    Please see the below link to find out more information about current playground projects:
