Community Yarns and Pop-Ups

Community engagement provides the opportunity for you to have a say and contribute to the decisions and actions of Council. Council is committed to hearing from our community about issues that affect you and we do this via our planned community engagement activities throughout the year.

Community Yarns are a forum for residents, community groups and businesses to discuss priorities for their communities. They provide an opportunity for Elected Members and Council staff to hear what’s important to our local communities and how we can work together to achieve goals.

Community Pop-Ups provide a casual opportunity to chat with Elected Members and Council staff in and around Glenorchy.

Upcoming Community Yarns and Pop-Ups:

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Yarn on the long-term future of the Glenorchy Pool. Notes from the Yarn will be available on this page soon.

Upcoming Engagements

13th May 2025Community Pop Up - Claremont Plaza11am-1pm
18th June 2025Community Yarn - Claremont Girl Guides Hall5:30-6:30pm
21st August 2025Community Pop Up - Northgate Glenrochy11am-1pm
24th September 2025Community Yarn - Collinsvale5:30-6:30pm
18th November 2025Community Pop Up - Moonah11am-1pm
27th November 2025Community Yarn - KGV5:30-6:30pm

This schedule is still being finalised so there may be changes.

On this page you can also:

  • View notes and progress updates from all our previous yarns in the Documents Tab > on the right
  • View photos from previous yarns
  • Tell us where you'd like us to hold a yarn by answering our Quick Poll
  • Complete a Feedback Form after you've attended one of our yarns
Photo of people talking around a table at our 2021 Claremont Community Yarn. One person is using his hands to explain something. Another person is taking notes.A group of people sitting around a table at the Claremont 2022 Community Yarn. Some people are talking while others take notes.A photo of a group of people talking at Glenorchy City Council's 2022 Moonah Community Yarn. Some people are chatting, some are taking notes.

Recent Yarns:

A Community Yarn was held at the Claremont Guide Hall on 27 November 2024, with a focus on safety. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the discussion.

To view previous Yarn notes look in the Documents Tab on the right.

Community engagement provides the opportunity for you to have a say and contribute to the decisions and actions of Council. Council is committed to hearing from our community about issues that affect you and we do this via our planned community engagement activities throughout the year.

Community Yarns are a forum for residents, community groups and businesses to discuss priorities for their communities. They provide an opportunity for Elected Members and Council staff to hear what’s important to our local communities and how we can work together to achieve goals.

Community Pop-Ups provide a casual opportunity to chat with Elected Members and Council staff in and around Glenorchy.

Upcoming Community Yarns and Pop-Ups:

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Yarn on the long-term future of the Glenorchy Pool. Notes from the Yarn will be available on this page soon.

Upcoming Engagements

13th May 2025Community Pop Up - Claremont Plaza11am-1pm
18th June 2025Community Yarn - Claremont Girl Guides Hall5:30-6:30pm
21st August 2025Community Pop Up - Northgate Glenrochy11am-1pm
24th September 2025Community Yarn - Collinsvale5:30-6:30pm
18th November 2025Community Pop Up - Moonah11am-1pm
27th November 2025Community Yarn - KGV5:30-6:30pm

This schedule is still being finalised so there may be changes.

On this page you can also:

  • View notes and progress updates from all our previous yarns in the Documents Tab > on the right
  • View photos from previous yarns
  • Tell us where you'd like us to hold a yarn by answering our Quick Poll
  • Complete a Feedback Form after you've attended one of our yarns
Photo of people talking around a table at our 2021 Claremont Community Yarn. One person is using his hands to explain something. Another person is taking notes.A group of people sitting around a table at the Claremont 2022 Community Yarn. Some people are talking while others take notes.A photo of a group of people talking at Glenorchy City Council's 2022 Moonah Community Yarn. Some people are chatting, some are taking notes.

Recent Yarns:

A Community Yarn was held at the Claremont Guide Hall on 27 November 2024, with a focus on safety. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the discussion.

To view previous Yarn notes look in the Documents Tab on the right.

Page last updated: 27 Mar 2025, 12:03 PM